Join us as we celebrate 86 years of life and 50 years of ministry for our beloved bishop charles e. wright, sr.!
Join us on August 16th, 2025, as we celebrate 86 years of life and 50 years of ministry for Bishop Charles E. Wright, Sr., at the Surf Club on the Sound in New Rochelle. A beloved leader and dedicated servant, Bishop Wright, affectionately known as Dr. Wright, Dean Wright, or Pastor Wright, has impacted countless lives through his unwavering faith and leadership. Born in Orangeburg, South Carolina, he has been a devoted husband to Mother Faye M. Wright for over 50 years, and a proud father to two sons, Charles Jr. and Daryl. Since his baptism in 1960, Bishop Wright has faithfully served the church, rising through the ranks of ministry to become the pastor of Greater Refuge Temple in 2015, following the passing of Chief Apostle William Lee Bonner.
This special event will honor Bishop Wright's incredible journey of faith, leadership, and dedication to the Kingdom of God. Tickets are available online through the provided link or can be purchased in-person at Greater Refuge Temple after morning worship services. Transportation will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to senior citizens. We invite you to come celebrate this monumental occasion with us as we honor Bishop Wright’s 50 years of ministry and his 86th birthday!
This special event will honor Bishop Wright's incredible journey of faith, leadership, and dedication to the Kingdom of God. Tickets are available online through the provided link or can be purchased in-person at Greater Refuge Temple after morning worship services. Transportation will be provided on a first-come, first-served basis, with priority given to senior citizens. We invite you to come celebrate this monumental occasion with us as we honor Bishop Wright’s 50 years of ministry and his 86th birthday!

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